DHL / 40th anniversary print ad

Bridgestone Tires

GM Certified Used Vehicles

Canon Powershot
(online cruise booking site)

Headlines: The most beautiful places on earth are the ones you can’t locate on Mapquest / You’re surrounded by all this high-tech navigation equipment, and still you get lost at sea / You’ll find yourself referring to Monday as Corsica, Tuesday as Monte Carlo.

Federated Investors
/ CPA asset management training program

San Diego Oceans Foundation
/ Campaign seeking donations to help turn retired navy ships into artificial reefs rather than being junked for scrap metal.

Sample copy, from first ad:
Dive Location: Bridge, built from scrap metal of dismantled battleships.
Diver’s Notes: Diving on a historic naval ship would be a lot more interesting if it weren’t dismantled, scrapped and turned into a bridge. To support the initiative to sink retired warships and turn them into artificial reefs, go to

Griffin Museum of Photography
/ "Sebastiao Salgado, The End of Polio" Exhibition

Headlines: Sebastiao Salgado isn’t as interested in documenting history as he is in changing it / One conclusion that can be drawn from this exhibit: Hope is far more contagious than polio / The purpose of this photograph wasn’t to make this moment last, but rather to make it disappear.

Griffin Museum of Photography
/ "Photo Booth" Exhibition

Reproductions of real photo booth strips from the exhibition. Some were made into posters and others were printed actual size, folded up and placed in small boxes as handouts in area retailers.


Tobacco lobbyist / Writes mouthwash ads / Drives the bookmobile

FDR’s seamstress / aka Typhoid Mary / Buggy whip inspector

Mud wrestling promoter / Rides a girl’s bike / Lawn chemical scientist

The real story remains behind the curtain.
Griffin Museum of Photography

Money Magazine


From The Vault - Film


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